Testimonial 1
One of the best contexts for discovery is experiential learning. This is a type of learning that requires action, reflection, and an undetermined result. In a word, spiritual formation requires adventure.
Testimonial 2
About five days into my WLE experience I remember laying under the bug net really wondering if I was cut out for such experiences. Major doubts had snuck in about my abilities, confidence, and faith. The Lord met me two days later in the middle of a portage as I felt defeated and alone. From that moment I realized I did not have to be perfect or know exactly how things would end. I could trust God to be with me in the joys, fears, unknowns, and insecurities that arise every day.
Testimonial 4
I can honestly say his experience at Coldwater was life-changing. He came home with more self-confidence, self-worth, a heart for serving others and a positive attitude. He loved the opportunity to become a leader at Coldwater – and he has exhibited a sense of leadership at home. Also, he developed a renewed excitement for the outdoors! He LOVED his experience backpacking and canoeing and has expressed a desire to continue this activity (a little difficult to do in Houston). He also came home with an interest in becoming more healthy with food & exercise!